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Chrysalis Menopause PlanArticles

A male menopause coach? Of course!

A male menopause coach? Of course!

Lauren Chiren praises Simon's dedication to the most worthy of occupations...

Taken from Lauren's LinkedIn and website blog article:

"Simon's Story: Becoming a Menopause Coach - a testament to the impact of dedication, empathy, and education.

After years in primary education and a previous career in law enforcement, Simon made a bold decision to pivot his career towards health and wellness.

Creating Impactful Change

His dedication led to the launch of his business, focusing on fitness and health, where he quickly noticed a recurring theme among his clients: the struggle with menopause.

Responding to this, he introduced specialised classes that became an instant success, providing a much-needed space for women to feel supported and empowered.

Recognising the profound need for menopause awareness and support, he embarked on a journey with us to become a certified Menopause Coach.

A Male Menopause Coach? Absolutely.

His journey challenges stereotypes and highlights the importance of inclusive support for menopause. As a male Menopause Coach, he brings a unique perspective, fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, can contribute to understanding and supporting menopause.

If you inspired to be a part of this transformative journey and join a growing global community of Menopause Coaches, don't miss the opportunity register for our deep dive webinar to learn about becoming a Menopause Coach."

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