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Chrysalis Menopause PlanArticles

A Healthier way of living….and shopping

A Healthier way of living….and shopping

A toxin free way of grabbing your groceries.

As part of the Menopause plan, client's have the opportunity to go through the reset cleanse. This is where we look a reducing and/ or lowering the intake of processed foods, or toxins in our system.

Where I live in Epworth we are fortunate that we have a store called Peace with the Wild, which is a sustainable choice store, which stocks toxin free products, such as washing liquids, detergents and cleaning products, as well as weighable food goods, which are great for the planet and you. I was able to stock up on jumbo oats, dried fruits and will be returning for shampoo and hand wash refills.

Do not worry if you don't like near Epworth as they have a great online presence too. Shop to your heart's content by clicking here www.peacewiththewild.co.uk


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